Graphsy Update: Shelves and Bug Fixes
It’s been a while, but here is a new update for Graphsy. The biggest change is the new shelves system for storing and using common objects. I have also changed the default behavior to have the shelf panel visible when Graphsy loads. Every user gets two shelves by default, Basic Shapes and Basic Shapes with Anchors, but can create any number of shelves. Adding and removing objects is done by dragging them into and out of the shelf and individual shelves can be stored. Here is a brief video tutorial on how to use shelves. addition to shelves, several other things have also changed. First you’ll notice that the logo at the top has gotten much smaller and the drawing area has gotten much bigger. I have also taken the time to fix many bugs (most of them dealing with Internet Explorer) and improve performance accross all browsers, so hopefully you’ll find using Graphsy more pleasent.
As for the future, the next big updates will involve grouping objects together, creating tables. exporting graphs as PDFs, and sharing shelves among users. Let me know if you have any other ideas.
November 9th, 2024 08:37…
Graphsy Update: Shelves and Bug Fixes » Graphsy Blog » Graph drawing for the web…